Develop a type specimen to promote a chosen typeface from the Monotype Corporation. The booklet should show the font family with its variations in size, weight, tracking, leading, and type anatomy.
Because of their sophisticated nature, Didones are often used on fashion magazines, ceremonial invitations and luxury brand logos. Parma was designed in 2008 as a remake
of Bodoni, and I decided to give it a bold twist through the use of risqué words and vivid colors.

Create an app for mobile device, following the guidelines of good user experience. Conceptualize, design, and prototype an app that solves a problem for a target audience to which I relate.
The target user is young professionals, both couples and singles, who live in big cities and share an interest in the outdoors. The goal is to design one app for all the national parks in the U.S. that provides broad visitor information through an efficient user experience. The app is searchable by state or park name and provides trail maps, local amenities, tickets, accommodations, and other downloadable features to keep in your phone wallet.
Bob Slote
Digital Design Studio